on June 3, 2021
Question: I always make too many plates and have extras laying around from transfers 1 and 2. What do yall do with them? Anyone put early transfers to grain?
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Eddy V
fuckin a right i put them fuckers to grain! I aint gonna waste 98% of an agar plate when i have grain ready right now.
Like June 3, 2021
Awesome!!! Thanks for the feedback guys!!! Always appreciated! Ive had some good looking myc on T1s & T2s. Guess if its a crap plate that will ruin a bag, toss it, but put the good looking stuff to grain. Thanks guys! #agarnoob
Like June 3, 2021
I never noc with a freshly germinated plate.. those get tossed after selecting the healthiest areas to transfer. If the plate looks healthy enough at T2 I’ll send it to grain. I prefer to use T4’s and above.
Like June 3, 2021
When im selecting the samples that im gonna use to go to grain usually I use the plates that were faster colonizing and has the most rizomorphic growth. For myself I find it wasteful to use a plate that colonizes slow or with tomes myc. Its not very often that I use T2 or T3.
Like June 4, 2021