on June 27, 2019
Spose i better start making this hash for another year
Dimension: 3120 x 4160
File Size: 3.23 Mb
8 people like this.
Jeffrey Loubouski
I haven't made bubble hash in over 10 years..least not with bags.
Like June 27, 2019
Jeffrey Loubouski
Back in the day.. Making hash was my sole occupation. Worked these bags everyday for a couple years..then everybody figured out you could make hash from trim..and I was out of a job.
Like June 27, 2019
I have a preference for dry ice hash myself. Same bags.
Like June 27, 2019
Jeffrey do u have any tips or short cuts considering u have made so much of it? I've used dry ice before its easier but don't like the finale result as much.
Like June 29, 2019