on May 5, 2021
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Again I repeat, dmt wont kill you, but ahayuasca can, ayuahuasca is a Spirit, from our forests my ancestors, we call it sometimes Shikik Shananga, or just ayahuasca to shorten, if you take any kind of medicine, it can kill you, some xamãs believe ayahuasca is only for the pure hearted, thats why on ... View More
Like May 7, 2021
But some experienced people says, that ayahuasca trip, is like a dmt trip but with nuances that you can understand, that being said, it is easier (if you dont die) to understand the trip and what you are going trough it, its like dmt trip but without "fast forwarding"
Like May 7, 2021
Ayahuasca needa to be done by experienced xamas also, since some.people wrongly administers 5-meo-dmt to compose the drink, 5-meo is 5 times more potent.than normal dmt, it can break your brain and make you vegetable
Like May 7, 2021
Thank you for the advice. Im probably just going to stick to what i know for the time!
Like May 7, 2021