on May 5, 2021
My kiddo took this photo as we were finishing an evening walk. It looked like a row of illuminated airplane windows descending, but it was far too long, and much too low to be a giant plane without us being able to see any actual windows/outline of a plane, or hear engine noise - it was completely silent. That said, I guess tonight IS the night for cosmic visitors. Still trying to wrap my head around it.
May the 4th be with you!????
Dimension: 1080 x 1920
File Size: 480.8 Kb
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Edward Scissorhands
Oh, yeah. Forgot about that. SN15 is going for a launch attempt in like a half hour too, if anyone is interested.
Like May 5, 2021
Nope. It's aliens bro.
Like May 5, 2021
Like May 7, 2021
Richardclark5 i dont know whats your point posting this shit everywhere but i would not recommend anyone to click on this link because it is trying to look like it would be a source for lsd, meth and other illegal drugs. Im not trying to be mean or anything. Just want to protect this sacred place
Like May 7, 2021