on April 30, 2021
2016 was a good year for liberty caps!
Dimension: 520 x 292
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CaLi Uso
That pack of cancer stix is what got my attention though... where were you located at the time bruh?
Like April 30, 2021 Edited
that's chairman mao's favorite brand. i don't smoke anymore tho but they are seriously good cigarettes. i'm in the UK.
Like April 30, 2021 Edited
CaLi Uso
Interesting. They don’t sell smokes with asian writting at stores in UsA. Asian guys at my job have packs that contain asian writing, but they have a huge photo of actual person/smokers lung on the front of the box as well... Nice find though on the libertycaps. Deff a great find
Like April 30, 2021 Edited
i used to buy that brand of cigs (Chunghwa) in airports. they are really expensive on purpose because they are used as bribes in China for speeding tickets etc
Like April 30, 2021