on April 28, 2021
Time to ruin my fiance's hair equipment for some rosin
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Jo smith
That's a good way to turn your fiance into an ex-fiance..lol
Like April 28, 2021
Hahahaha, I bet she will be fine when she smokes the hash ball, then I buy her a new one hahhahaha
Like April 28, 2021
Good thing your getting her new. A nice pair of hair shears can cost a pretty penny. But like my momma always said, “take what you want and pay for it.” 1f609.png
Like April 28, 2021
Hahaha, yeah, I told her I would use this one for the hax extractions, and I'll buy a better one for her, one of those that also curls the hair while doing it
Like April 28, 2021