on April 18, 2021
Pasteurizing substrate. 14 quarts for a 56 qt monotub. 690 gs of coco coir, 2 quarts of vermiculite, 4 quarts of water, 1 cup of gypsum, half cup of used coffee grounds. Fill the pots up with water 2/3rds of the way up the jars. Boil for 10 minutes, shut it off, cover. Substrate temp stays between 160-175 degrees F for over 90 minutes.
Dimension: 4032 x 3024
File Size: 7.56 Mb
8 people like this.
Too much hassle for a C/V substrate
Like April 19, 2021
I originally started this method bc i was working w horse poo. But do it w coir too.
Like April 19, 2021