Fever dream
on April 13, 2021
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Fever dream
Thats a very pessimistic view of the situation you have there ... im not sure why you think more of the same is the solution but its your opinion and you’re entitled to it. I personally think you are wrong as fuck and thats okay too it doesnt mean we cant still be friends.
Like April 15, 2021
Fever dream how can police stop imtense violence without guns? I agree we need better mental health facilites. Over half of all gun deaths in the US are suicides. Police quotas, government grants, and private prisons do not make a very small percentage of the population commite half of the murder... View More
Like April 15, 2021
Fever dream
LOL how da fuk shud i kno i never said they should lol i said after a long road of healing this shit hole it maybe possible and thats a big MAYBE
Like April 15, 2021
I am actually confident that there will be a resolution, once the natural order is restored. However, the religion of stateism, which has destroyed the social fabric, is the source of these troubles. No more 'help' from government social welfare programs is needed. Independence from them is the cure... View More
Like April 15, 2021