on April 11, 2021
God is indeed loving huh? Lmao smfh
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Declaring one self the master of the universe isn't humble either 1f642.png but I agree with esoteric methods (I am here after all) It's just the classical LSD "I am God" thing gets really old fast so I am probably a little bit harsh in that direction.
Like April 12, 2021
not saying we are God but if we are truly created by God wouldn't his creation be divine in its own right
Like April 12, 2021
Everything that is able to interact is on the same play field. I am just not happy with the cultural take aways that come with such a statement and this kind of wording. It implies divine powers - and some claim that but fail quite a bit to the task to spawn unique horns into existence. And that's a... View More
Like April 12, 2021 Edited
I agree I don't think humans are higher do they have a diffrent sort of counicsness yes but are they any better hell nah
Like April 12, 2021