on April 9, 2021
Little baby poppies
Dimension: 4032 x 3024
File Size: 5.05 Mb
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Im about to plant some myself, i keep forgetting. I hear they like bad sandy soil and sometimes need some epsom salt. Bunch of info on Erowid and reddit.
Like April 9, 2021
The biggest thing i found from my research is that they like cooler temps when sprouting. The seeds want to freeze over winter and thaw in the spring. According to what I've read, the thaw is their "cue" to do their thing
Like April 10, 2021
I wasnt sure if they would do anything because it was only getting in the 50s at night when i planted them. You can also put them in the freezer for a while but i didnt do that either. We ended up getting a few nights in the high 20s so i figure that helped them get moving.
Like April 10, 2021
I love that even though it is night time i get to see these pics of our new baby poppies sprouting!
Like April 10, 2021