on April 4, 2021
A recent personal best.. But who says size matters.... Could probably use it as a club and knock someone out with it. Leucistic Melmak.
Dimension: 1600 x 1200
File Size: 226.82 Kb
49 people like this.
You could probably drive a nail with that thing.
Like May 14, 2021
What the actual Fuck. Care to share the nutes you use? Or do you think its a genetics thing? Thats just one chunky monkey lookin mofugga
Like May 17, 2021
Sorry haven't logged on in a while. I actually used a tek that does a double casing method. After about 5 days you case with an inch of pasteurized 50/50 jiffy mix, let that fully colonize and repeat. When the second non nutritious casing is fully colonized you let it fruit. Tek is specifically for ... View More
Like June 17, 2021
@Shamanmanman I mean it is Melmak genetics...
Like June 17, 2021