Happy Easter!!!!
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I’m starting to think my brain is broken. Yesterday I TRIED to trip for the 3rd timr and nothing happened. First time a few weeks ago I ate 6 plus grams of APE and nothing happened I thought it was because I ate a massive bowl of chilli right after taking the mushrooms. So Saturday I took 5 grams of... View More
April 5, 2021
I do not, but Im very curious now. Ive had one time where I eat 5ish g's and had 5% effect but I think it was because I did 4.5 maybe 3 or 4 days prior. Maybe your brain is just telling you that, "you dont need a journey right now friend, your on your correct path because you've given me quite a few... View More
April 5, 2021
I wish it was that man but I highly doubt it. I been taking the mushrooms to try and get out of the little funk I been in. I woudlnt say its depression but just feeling down. The weather isnt helping we are on our gross time where the snow is melting and we are getting nothing but rain drizzle and f... View More
April 6, 2021
Newfie the (north eastern companion?) Redundant bx none of my biz I relate to the weather. But like I said, Im sure itll be understood soon enough.) Reach out if you ever need. (Depression is my ex gf who loved trying to pry in my business so; still speaking out depression fyi lol)
April 6, 2021