on March 29, 2021
Hi everyone/anyone can someone possibly shed some light on this. What are these discoloured/cloudy globules for lack of a better word? It sometimes completely cosumes the agar. Also is it bad? Any help or direction would be greatly appreciated
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Joey Green
That contam is likely some type of bacterium .... especially if it grows fast
Like March 29, 2021
I did use distilled water for this agar but was just normal potato agar i will try the salt or maybe with your garlic agar username101 (i was trying to compare both the garlic and normal recipe) and see if it helps thanks everyone for the replies greatly appreciated
Like March 29, 2021
Some of them did unfortunately but not to the same extent (wasnt as prolific) not all the plates i created on the same day got these bacterial infiltrate so maybe my sterile techniques were floored in between pours so some came out perfectly normal and others like above picture
Like March 29, 2021
I did find this article which was a pretty interesting read might see if i can isolate some into a new dish and attempt this technique!po=11.9565
Like March 29, 2021