on March 23, 2021
Good morning everyone I got a woman who's had a bad stroke 12 years ago. She is smoking down on my carts I made she say she feels like it is working on her brain.
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They are going to be starting to give microdoses to stroke victims in thr ambulance. It's been shown to lessen the damage to the brain as well as speed recovery and increase the level of functionality after a stroke. Clinical trials are starting soon with healthy patients to get dosage right as well... View More
Like March 23, 2021
She I a beautiful soul and I really is embarrassing for her searching for her words at times. Especially with new people. She can read as fast as anyone else but can't write me a love letter. She tells me that hurts .I made a bunch of carts the first ones I mafey I used 3 grams to 1 ml pgvg. They go... View More
Like March 23, 2021
She smoke pot a lot and cigarettes like crazy she swears that the DMT has changed something in her. She hasn't smoked any pot and very few cigarettes.
Like March 25, 2021
Thats such awesome news tuneless. I hope the gains keep coming and the inspiration keeps flowing. Peace and mush love to you and yours. <3
Like April 2, 2021