on March 16, 2021
It’s been awhile since I’ve posted in here and since then my chemistry studies have gone in a much different direction. I began synthesizing copper compounds, fluorescent compounds and many other none psychoactive compounds. Here you can see some cuso4 and cu2co3oh2 being produced
Dimension: 828 x 828
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Deemoturner you’re probably thinking of steve gill. Who was also a pretty notorious chemist that dabbled in the clandestine works. This photo is from my own works though lol.
Like March 16, 2021 Edited
Steve Gill was featured in Hamilton’s pharmacopeia as an mdma chemist and he showed some examples of chemiluminescence such as reactions with luminol and flourescien both of which as incredibly simple to synthesize. I’m assuming that’s what you’re referring to. My 4 year old daughter has assisted me... View More
Like March 16, 2021