Ohhh man the Sanaga from Prime Bark arrived today! I'm still a little nervous to try it as i haven't found much online for in depth personal use of Sananga. So I'm curious as to what type of schedule to go with or dosage??
3024 x 3024
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1.88 Mb
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The Transcendent Stoner
Bencmcp sweet, thank you! Did you have any issues with them? Like allergic reaction wise or anyting? Also have you noticed any improvements since before starting it?
March 16, 2021
The Transcendent Stoner no issues, just be ready for the burn. Like dropping a hot coal in your eyeball for 5 minutes or so. I noticed improvements in my mood, my visual perception, colors, contrast and movements were enhanced. I also had some improvement in my left eye, I am legally blind in it. Sa... View More
March 16, 2021
forest_dweller I'm one of those extremely lucky people who was born with a cataract. Docs operated on it when I was 2 years old. They did a horrible job and damaged the lens bad, as well as damaging the pupil. It's so blurry that my brain ignores everything but the peripheral vision coming from that... View More
March 16, 2021
Two drops per eye before bed, babe somebody administer because it’s had to do yourself but doable. Burns like shit, two weeks on and two weeks off.
March 18, 2021