on March 13, 2021
I've heard reports of 4 Dimensional objects in the dmt realm and I haven't tried dmt yet but Im wondering what do these objects look like? Because a tesseract is just the shadow of a 4D object in 3 spacial dimensions so thats not what they look like.. So if someone could try and explain it, it'd be greatly appreciated
Dimension: 1200 x 526
File Size: 80.71 Kb
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Im finally happy that peope are starteing to make a conecpt of planes to epxplain time its my first time seeing this but the concept has been there since i was young just no one had a on papaer represention. Time is just a plane we percive in the motral way with thigns like this the concept of time ... View More
Like March 13, 2021 Edited
Doobiebreath thank you
Like March 14, 2021