on March 4, 2021
I believe that color is blue is psylocbin but sometimes i wonder if its green mold (its so close) i didnt do a top layer of vermiculite, what do you think, im still learnin, mono tub and grain spawn next
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You’re right, thats just some light bruising. Just easier to see when you don’t use a verm layer on your cakes. Looks good to me!
Like March 4, 2021
What is that you got chilling there with them? Amethyst quartz and rose quartz?
Like March 4, 2021
You’re bruising is all. I once quarantined two shoeboxes outside thinking they had tammed out. I was devastated, went back following morning they were still fine. I’m glad I hadn’t tossed them: that my first lesson of what bruising was. Wasn’t trich, you’ll be able to tell as it spreads rather quick... View More
Like March 4, 2021
Yeah i was misting but i just got a fogger now!! Thank you all this community is productive, yeah i got them crystals and music giving them energy
Like March 5, 2021