on February 28, 2021
I will come in contact with dried salvia divinorum leaves in a few weeks... Any advice?
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this group might be a good one to check out, I had some when I was in my late teens but it did nothing for me, can't remember what x it was though
Like February 28, 2021
Yeah, DONT DO IT! Lol im fuckin with ya. Ill tell ya this though, i tried that shit once and that was definitely enough lol
Like February 28, 2021
Lay down
Like March 1, 2021
Ive had 2 experiences. An underdose (cant remember how much just added to my weed in a bong of 80x), and an overdose (300mg 120x in a bong bowl) I also ended up seizing, but apparently it was more like i was undergoing an exorcism. It ended with me vomitting with my teeth clenched shut. Lying prone... View More
Like March 1, 2021