on February 26, 2021
heres some cool shit ive grown over the last few weeks
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thank you my friend, i see your name is Jetjunky, are you a fallout fiend like me?
Like February 26, 2021
You’re welcome! What’s a ‘fallout fiend?’
Like February 26, 2021
fallout is a video game, and theres a drug in the game called jet that gives action points and stuff. i just finished a fallout game and thought you may have been a fallout video game fan and making a reference in with your user name maybe, because if you abuse the drug in the game, you become addic... View More
Like February 26, 2021
Oh haha, interesting! No, never played it. Now that I think about it I’ve heard of the game in passing- but I haven’t played video games in years. Last ones I played were Resident Evil and Max Payne- the latter I used to have a major digital crush on. As far as addictions, traveling hands down. Henc... View More
Like February 27, 2021