on February 25, 2021
what's this? I pulled it out as soon as I saw it this morning... it's been through multiple flushes but I think that's the exact spot that a mushroom from another cake touched a few days ago, is it possible for it to be mycelium from that mushroom that touched it? sorry still learning
Dimension: 1200 x 2133
File Size: 242.23 Kb
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MrHeisenberg that does look pretty similar but just freaked me out a little cause like i said i probably got 3 or 4 flushes out of it already but thanks i appreciate all the help friends
Like February 25, 2021
noticed to day it was popping out some pins but that white spot turned green, so I took it out and cut that spot out with a knife then put it in a old 1 gallon ice cream jug, idk if its possible to save at that point but at least its isolated now I guess... the rest of them are starting to get the w... View More
Like February 28, 2021
My apologies for being mistaken, trich can look an awful lot like mycelium. Unfortunately when it turns green it’s likely to spread, but you may have gotten it in time. Hope things go well!
Like February 28, 2021 Edited
no worries MrHeisenberg
Like March 29, 2021