on February 22, 2021
I wanna go back but i have a real fear and i dont know why, ive had this bottle of about maybe .1-.2 grams sitting on my nightstand for almost a month and i havent been able to do it, even tho i think about the DMT space at least once a day. I dont know why i get so much anxiety when im about to go, i feel like it tinges the experience for me:/
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I have stopped thinking about it as fear. It is not fear that makes me feel anxious about blasting off, it is profound respect. For me it's normal and I do breathing exercises and meditation to prepare.
Like February 22, 2021
Dont stress it, ive been pretty much the same. I havent been able to get the courage for months. But yesterday i was thinking about dmt a lot, late in the afternoon i just went and loaded up 20mg. And took the hit without even thinking about it, no fear, or anxiety. And it was beautiful, i was welco... View More
Like February 22, 2021
I use to feel that way when i smoked salvia, but usually once i left my body i didnt care a bit about the fear anymore. Also though, dont rush yourself. The deems world will still be there when you’re ready.
Like March 5, 2021
Guyver III
When you respect psychedelics, they respect you.
Like March 5, 2021