on February 14, 2021
An ounce of prevention
Dimension: 3024 x 4032
File Size: 3.02 Mb
7 people like this.
They're killer honestly. The flavor is just unearthly and at 84% THC i can't bitch at all. especially since i cant just go to the weed store and pick between a bunch of options
Like February 14, 2021
Grow Grow Gadget
Im pretty sure it was around the 350 range.. its out of state suff . I'm from Illinois where you cant legally buy an ounce of hash. 7 grams is our limits so it was pretty cool to see a big ol jar.
Like February 14, 2021
Capitano Sours
Your health conscious efforts are applauded bro
Like February 14, 2021
Grow Grow Gadget
We cant buy more than 5 grams a day of hashish.
Like February 14, 2021