on January 22, 2021
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If you pay more than 2 a hit people I deal with think you are crazy or undercover.
Like January 29, 2021
Inflation rate calculators are BS, they totally underestimate the rate of inflation, My Dad bought a brand new Galaxy 500 sedan in 1964 for $1800, they paid 13k for a 3 bedroom house on an acre. Bad news is over 40% of the US dollars ever created were created in the last 12 months and their gonna h... View More
Like March 17, 2021
I remember my grandfather telling me a guy could work at Sears and be able to raise a family including buying a home. They might not be the most well off but they would be able to have what they needed.
Like March 18, 2021
They remove housing, food, energy and medical care from the consumer price index so they can hide inflation. Cheap Chinese made goods also contribute to the low CPI. CaptainParanoid yes, on a single income, without having to disrupt the family structure
Like March 18, 2021