on January 20, 2021
So , a month ago i ordered a growkit from Amsterdam and got cobweb , today i throw it out and i saw it was
100% vermiculite substrate ! Also i could see a lot of grainspawn , maybe 50% was grainspawn.
How is this possible ? It makes great flushes
Dimension: 3120 x 4160
File Size: 3.85 Mb
6 people like this.
Yes thats how the make them. Not sure about the 50%, but seems right. I started with those kits and many sites also give that as instruction for growing mushs. You could just grow them without any substrate, from the grain only. The verm is for extra moisture to get better yield and larger fruits. N... View More
Like January 20, 2021
my kit from asterdam had perlite at the bottom grain spawn in the middle , and it looked like vermiculite casing but i think there was more under that verm
Like January 20, 2021
Thats exactly how the growkits are built. Perlite at the bottom to keep moisture, grains in the middle and then a casing of vermiculate
Like January 22, 2021