on January 19, 2021
I was gifted this blotter it supposed to also contain MDMA .HERE GOES NOTHING AFTER I TEST IT
Dimension: 1200 x 1600
File Size: 128.53 Kb
6 people like this.
Maybe its like a microdose or homeopathic dose of mdma just add a little love to the trip?
Like January 20, 2021
I posted the picture it seems to have disappeared . It was a gift and I told my friend that it couldn't contain much. Mdma is rare where I live nobody ever has it unless it's in a pill form. I prefer the rock type but I can't ever find it. Drug policy sucks.
Like January 20, 2021
The best test kit ive ever used is tasting it. Perhaps not as accurate as a real test kit, but has never let me down yet!
Like February 6, 2021
I put it up I was worried about taking it I am going to give it back to the guy who gave it to me. I really appreciate everyone's input on this problem.
Like February 6, 2021