T rex ophora
on January 13, 2021
So big shit is happening with the group “continuing the conversation”. For a year now weve been exploring this new form of community and testing the waters of recording some conversations. Im proud to announce we will have 5-10 episodes available to download by the weekend and start recording the next season in the next few weeks. Please come join the group on this platform(we will never forgot what brought us together) join the discord server and check out our episodes! Ill share links as soon as we go live!
Dimension: 828 x 1792
File Size: 1.1 Mb
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T rex ophora
A few are already live at the above link. We will be on apple pod, spotify, google ect hopefully very soon!
Like January 13, 2021
Great, I will check it out as soon as possible
Like January 13, 2021
Very cool, well done.
Like January 13, 2021