on January 2, 2021
Does anyone else believe in love at first bite !!!
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LMFAO shyut it shroomday0117 1f602.png we also have a group for random stuff Bah haha yeah it's okay my friend, just in case you wanted to check it out lol the coffee helped and I've come down from the jazz cabbage so it's not nearly as bad... I swear a few times I almost caved though
Like January 3, 2021
Yeah man im alright. Suprisingly bc i thought they were gonna break my jaw the way they were wrenching on my tooth it was fucked up feeling for sure.
Like January 3, 2021
I would love to learn how to make that bread. Thats exactly what was going thru my mind as i was eating it lol
Like January 3, 2021
Looks amazing
Like January 4, 2021