on June 10, 2019
"Capable of breaking down and digesting polyurethane" (plastic). It can live with out oxygen. Which means they can be placed in every home in some type of container and the remaining plastic we have can be broke down and digested. Safely. Natural. Why is this not being tested? Or just discussed?
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Welcome friend! Glad you are here! This is an amazing community! Totally agree mushrooms are truly fantastical, and mysterious.??°??žâ??????¡??°??ž??â???? But wouldn't it be something if mushrooms were like wee cosmic smartphones that were placed here, and in other worlds/universes, to allow those... View More
Like June 11, 2019
??°??ž????â???? 'cosmic smartphones' I love that analogy. You might be spot on
Like June 11, 2019
I guess 'Wise Dawg' is an apt name for this strain. ??°??ž????â??Š I don't ever remember thinking anything like that about mushrooms before last night. I sure hope it's true though! ??°??ž????????¢????????
Like June 11, 2019
If you have not already, check your local library for Mycelium Running by Paul Stamets. It has a heavy focus of mycoremediation and sounds to be up your alley.
Like June 11, 2019