on December 27, 2020
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Wait, but that says migraine 'days' so that means 50mg would completely get rid of them? (Maybe just short-term?)
Like December 28, 2020
But maybe if you don't want to take 50mg you could take the 10mg for a little more than 2 months and possibly have similar results...? Idk, but I'm definitely intrigued now.
Like December 28, 2020
You can characterize statistics to appear as anything you want them to.
Like December 28, 2020 Edited
A couple years back I was getting so many migraine I was diagnosed with cluster headaches. I was getting between 3-4 migraines a week. My doc was worried I might have an Aneurysm. I remember seeing a National Geographic episode on magic mushrooms helping with cluster headaches. I managed to get some... View More
Like December 28, 2020