on December 27, 2020
This rusty white strain just refuses to pin. Its bubbling up like crazy, just teasing me... but it wont fucking fruit no matter how long it gets light air and mist. Please help! (The blurry spots are water droplets on the inside of the clear lid the camera is looking thru)
Dimension: 4032 x 3024
File Size: 2.96 Mb
3 people like this.
My fastest pinner has been from a mega tub that had no air holes and fae on only the first two days of fc. Just a bigger container over it as a dome. Light 12 on 12 off. Yours looks like its ready to pin. Try to leave it alone. Would you like being fanned and misted while you're trying to mate?
Like December 27, 2020
It will pin
Like December 27, 2020