T rex ophora
on December 25, 2020
I just recieved some cool uv sterilizer device from my aunt. Im excited to try it out on a few random projects i got going. Nifty tech. I honestly had never seen one of these before. It also doubles as a aromatherapy diffuser. So weird and cool. What weird unexpected shit, showed up at your house?
Dimension: 3024 x 4032
File Size: 6.24 Mb
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Those are cool, dont look at the light, ha. We use a cpap sterilizer at work to clean our money and phones etc. I saw a nasty one for sale that says it does the whole room. Cannot be safe. Small one is handy for sure
Like December 25, 2020
I bought some handheld uv "device sterilizers" nifty
Like January 23, 2021
I would love to try one of these for my tools. Do you like using it
Like January 23, 2021
T rex ophora
So far ive found it to be quite convinient.
Like January 24, 2021