on December 15, 2020
What causes the patterns in spore prints? Is it the way that veil detached?
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Yeah it is from spores i was just wondering how the differnt patterns arise when theyre arent any variables
Like December 15, 2020
The gills spacing and staggering is almost identical throughout and spore prints left on flat surfaces are always structured the same, from centre in lines running outwards, i still think it has something to do with the veil detatchment as they all seem quite different
Like December 15, 2020
They blow out and create a pattern. There was a video of this occuring whilst backlit. Its a thing of beauty.
Like December 16, 2020
Nature in most cases shapes its self around the path of least resistance and or the most efficient, effective, or structuraly sound way of manifesting itself and this is almost always in correlation to effective procreation
Like December 16, 2020