on December 10, 2020
Been trying to feuit this for weeks now what ami doing wrong please help
Dimension: 4032 x 3024
File Size: 4.19 Mb
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@Gravy This is very true. Depends on the person really. I tend to be a tenacious person by nature; have still managed to produce edible fruit after one or two flushes off quarantined tubs. I think most people are ready to throw in the towel instead of going all the way in and seeing what the potenti... View More
Like December 10, 2020
Thanks for the advice yall
Like December 11, 2020
Looks dark in that room maybe needs more light & definitely let it air out, looks really wet
Like December 11, 2020
I wet mine too much at first too. I fanned it for about 5 minutes 2x per day. Then give it only a light misting after fanning.
Like December 13, 2020