on December 7, 2020
Morning glory for LSA extraction
Dimension: 4032 x 1908
File Size: 6.8 Mb
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How comparable is LSA to LSD ? Whats the most notably difference i was thinking of doing some extraxtions my self
Like December 7, 2020
It is different than LSD definitely with a potent psychedelic effect, for me it is more headspace and less visual - pure LSA by it self is basically my favourite psychedelic beginner friendly and less speedy you can sleep on it like a baby- only thing that suck is that it usually comes with a lot of... View More
Like December 7, 2020 Edited
That ^^ lol
Like December 7, 2020
Not only can you sleep, you can get pretty drowsy on it. I've had MG a handful of times and I usually get very tired after about 2 hours and take a nice nap. Crazy thing is I'll have extremely vivid dreams that seem to go on for days but the naps are only like 30 minutes and I'm sober as a nun when ... View More
Like December 7, 2020