on November 30, 2020
Came home to contamination station. Fluck
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Uncle Ben tek is really easy. All you need is mp tape, alc, a hot glue gun to seal the port and a syringe. I have even diluted the last ml to 10 ml using a fresh gallon of distilled and knocked up more UB with it, no tams. Super easy.
Like November 30, 2020
How long did u pressure cook them?
Like November 30, 2020
Regular 15 for 90, but first spore prints and even though i pasteurized the syringes and everything, i did not use my still air box and was likely just careless. 2nd contam in 2 months out of a sporadic 15 years
Like November 30, 2020
If you started with a spore print than my guess is that’s the sorce of contaminattion.
Like November 30, 2020