on November 28, 2020
Update on my Enigma tub. Spawned 10/27. Fins are transforming into the typical blob/brain formation..
Dimension: 3120 x 4160
File Size: 2.74 Mb
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I was wondering the samething about the mushroom that popped up in the middel. Ive only grown enigma once.
Like November 28, 2020
So far the "rogue mushrooms" have only been observed about 8-9 times sence 2017 (when this mutation was first observed) so it is not very common for this to happen. Enigma is a mutation from Tidalwave.
Like November 28, 2020
I have prints, swabs , and a couple clones from the "rogue" or "revert" mushroom. We shall see what comes of them...
Like November 28, 2020
Boomer.... Its a very slow grower. About 50-60 days from pin to harvest hivenor take. I spawned this tub 10/27
Like November 29, 2020