on November 28, 2020
Let it be known that I was home, taking the day off from work, tripping balls hippy flipping when my phone would not shut up for the text alerts.
Every single person I work directly with is positive for COVID.
Dimension: 4032 x 3024
File Size: 2.9 Mb
7 people like this.
Jackoff Julie
I feel so badly for you and wish for safe recovery for your coworkers. Not only is it serious as a heart attack but I have a friend who was sick for a couple of months before released to go back to work on limited duty with multiple organ damage. She's managing as best she can but she's fucked for ... View More
Like November 29, 2020
I'm so sorry everyone tested positive. I hope you're negative. The long term damage this virus does, even to those with mild symptoms, is also very serious. FennecFox I am immunocompromised/part of the 1% that will likely die if I get it - fuck you for being so casual about the devastating and preve... View More
Like November 29, 2020
i was positive .... i know 110% i was, yet my results came back "inconclusive." they werent going to test me, until i told them my mom tested positive! i swear on my life my lungs havent felt the same since. i had pneumonia, the whole nine. it felt like needles were stabbing my lungs constantly. i n... View More
Like November 29, 2020
i hope you stay safe in the midst of this pandemic 1f614.png (sorry my comment got cut off)
Like November 29, 2020