on November 26, 2020
I don't want to get into presidential politics (ew), but as an Arizona resident, I got to vote on Proposition 207 a.k.a. legalizing marijuana for recreational use.
The proposition passed (yay!) which means it will be legal to buy weed without an MMJ card as early as March 2021! Not only that but Arizona citizens will also be allowed to grow up to six plants at home.
I've always wanted to grow MMJ plants and can't wait!
I know it's not directly DMT-related, but I use weed to supplement my cactus-tea trips so it feels like a very personal win for me!
GOOD JOB ARIZONA for passing Prop 207!
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Nice grinder!
Like November 26, 2020
weed should be legal everywhere
Like November 26, 2020
This is a very fitting post may..... I live in a state where we've got a long way to go before we get legalized.
Like November 26, 2020