on November 26, 2020
I love manure agar besides being prone to contamination it's fast to colonize and once colonized it holds up over time some of these ive already removed fruits from to transfer some have a couple spore prints on the mycilium. I made it as a multi purpose agar for cyanes cubes and cremini.
Mush love! Im thankful for the connection this community creates and want to share a video from a leading researcher at John's Hopkins University on Psilocybin in it she talks about how their studies where designed for harm reduction and positive outcomes with preparation for the session and integration after. At the core was love and connection and a reconnection to the true self and all of life. The connection this community brings gives me joy and I want to give back. Sharing is caring I think this information could carry over into DMT and the greater psychedelic phenomenon. Recently they received a 17million dollar grant to open a center for psychedelic and consciousness research and build on their work!
Dennis Mckenna said "No theory of neuroscience and how the brain is related to consciousness will ever be complete if it doesn't take the psychedelic phenomenon into account."
Dimension: 1200 x 1600
File Size: 81.31 Kb
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