sacred soul revival
on November 21, 2020
Bufo Alvarius the Toad that heals the spirit.
Bufo Alvarius aka ′′ toad ′′ ???? or ′′ toad ′′ is a toad originated from the desert of Sonora, Mexico.
The toad's natural defense system are small glands on your skin and produce secretions containing 21 alkaloids of which 11 are tryptamines including the most available 5-MeO-DMT (5-methoxy - N, N-dimethyltryptamine) 10 to 15 percent and Bufotenin, both chemicals belong to the hallucinogenic tryptamine family.
The first thing that comes to mind when I hear where medicine comes from is thinking WHO and HOW and WHY decided to smoke the grain of a toad ???? in the middle of the desert?
They can tell you stories you tell us that medicine comes from our ancestors of the Native Tribes of Sonora and Colorado and use titles such as ancestral medicine or traditional ritual, in order to give more credibility.
Reality is in 1936 Hoshino and Shimo-Daria synthesized for the first time 5-MeO-DMT a chemical found in the seeds of a tree in the Amazon called Anadenanthera Pedegrina which was medicinally used by Amazon tribes. Nowadays we know that tree as ′′ YOPO ′′
The first biochemical analysis of toad secretion ???? was published by Victorio Erspamer e n 1959, a double Nobel prize winning chemist, who also discovered serotonin. The 5-MeO-DMT on the toad was accidentally discovered in search of bufotenin a chemist with serotonin-like molecular structure.
Many have appropriated or speculated the toad to make it a central element of its cultural and economic activities however there is no evidence of traditional medicinal use and considering the way it is used (no lambe the toad ???? or eats) is unlikely but NOT impossible.
What is clear to us is that this little toad is a gift from nature. A gift that helps relieve stress, heal depression, addictions, emotional imbalances and anxiety among so many more.
After all there are no words to describe how this little guy gives us the ability to transcend the mind, travel through time and space and be stopped in the here and now.
Imagine for a moment being standing looking at the sky, emptying the lungs of air and, in an instant, after a deep breath of medicine, falling through the air into a parachute while touching ground, being traveling with eyes open at an unusual speed, expand your being until disintegrate, close your eyes and cross the sun of our galaxy, keep traveling beyond time and space, reach the central sun, enter the golden source of light, melt into love unconditional, re-trusted gurarte, re-calibrate, re-focus and then suddenly return, re-integrate, land again in the middle of a feeling of having left this plane for a long time, perhaps years, and with the total certainty that the one who returned is not the same person who left.
The look has changed you, it's another, more
tuned, deep and crystalline. Bodyweight feels different, as if it had lightened up during the journey, returning free of guilt, trauma and regrets, with a total sense of well-being, peace and happiness, with the answers your being most needed.
And it all happened in a space of five or ten minutes, according to the daily clock.
It is an internal explosion and implosion, complete madness, that throws down all the prejudices and concepts of the world of globalistic appearances and vain expectations that form our ego and raises our consciousness to another spiritual plane that we all have within reach but ignore for not know how to access it.
For my part it was one of the best experiences of my life and I recommend it to anyone looking for something beyond this illusion we call ′′ reality ′′ always remembering the importance of doing so with an experienced facilitator and the wisdom to guide us with light.
Rancho Cozcatl Tepeyollotl ✨
Photo: Google
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8 people like this.
Frogs are cooler than toads, just saying
Like November 21, 2020
clayteezy1 Yup I sure do! This post is awesome, I love these toads <3
Like November 22, 2020
sacred soul revival
Wow thats Awesome! Thank you! Love and light I am from Australia I could only wish to get one over here. They are soo Beautiful and such a special part of nature! We are soo blessed with Medicine like this
Like November 22, 2020