Luminous Warriors
43 members Meditation
A place to share heart centered practices. The goal of the group is the empower ourselves to bring back k the light we find in the psychedelic experience and illuminate our daily lives becoming a light for ourselves and our families.
Higher Consciousness
637 members Meditation
  Upon Birth , a being is ejected from its mothers womb, at this point the Umbilical cord is cut, our entry into this third dimensional world is rewarded with our first taste of Pain and suffering.   We are left with a longing for a safety and security of the mothers protection. We adjust and move on, this is our first experience to shape the being we have become today. Layers and layers are stacked on each other to the present.  That first Layer, or the core of it, is still there, to reach, embrace and hold it, is the true awakening of our nature.   SilverJay