The Shocking True Story of Cary Grant
Old Hollywood turns on, tunes in, and drops out in the new Broadway musical Flying Over Sunset.
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The LSD cult that transformed America
The Brotherhood of Eternal Love emerged from the hippie culture of ‘60s California – but their ambitions were global. Benjamin Ramm looks at the books and ideas that shaped the group.
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what do you think about whether lsa can be converted to lsd relitivly easy?
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According to this article, LSD and LSA don‘t just sound similar, they are indeed chemical brothers. LSA is the natural counterpart to synthesised LSD, so much that Albert Hofmann, the father of LSD, was astounded by their structural similarity.
LSA is a precursor to LSD. In chemistry, a precursor i... View More
The most reliable path towards converting LSA into LSD is taking a two year college level chemistry course and then investing in $12k in lab equipment..... some of which will cause issues in procurement
Although I'm sure this has been done before, it's not the most efficient nor effective way to r... View More
Thank you! I was just asking it because its good to know about what is possible