by on June 3, 2023
The plan HAD been to eat 2 grams of shrooms then do some DMT today but that did not work out.  Set wasn’t right. A customer called with an emergency.   I wasn’t feeling it, chickened out, whatever.  My next opportunity opens up in about a week. 20 mgs DMT, 8 minutes in trance. Gorgeous rainbow with dark background start.  The body load was a factor - I could really feel my heart racing.  Reminded myself it is a short lived effect and worked on letting go. ...
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by on July 21, 2021
Last night was my birthday, and the past couple of days I've been kind of in a slump. Didn't do anything to celebrate, and let the day pass me by. Before I decided to call it a night, I grabbed my, headphones, Lookah Seahorse and my deems, then went to lie down in bed. Played this mix to set the mood: I'm smoking the dmt and really trying to be open to the message I am about to recieve. As I lay back in my bed and pull the covers over my...
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