by on March 6, 2021
I got my new Amanita Muscaria from the Ukraine. I didn't expect to trip on it mostly because every forum says not to expect to.
However I packed a few bowls, relaxed. Surprised by how smooth Amanita was. I made a blend of marijuana and Amanita Muscaria. It was very nice.
Later on I make a tea out of the mushrooms. I boil it for 30 minutes. The tea is very bitter even with sugar in it. I go to bed early around 6pm. I wake up around 9pm to my brain going crazy. My brain feels really active. I can't hold anything steadily in my hands either. I can't even press the buttons on my phone properly. But I couldn't even focus on that because my thoughts are vibrating. They have successfully separated into two thoughts. My internal dialogue is now two separate pulsating dialogues. I had slight acid reflux too.
Behind my eyes it was very active but almost fading. I eventually fall asleep again. I woke up around 4am. My thoughts and hand coordination are doing just fine like normal.
I can't wait to try more.
3 people like this.
Thanks for the share! want to try it out too, it grows everywhere in my hometown
Like March 12, 2021
You only have to go to austria
Like March 12, 2021