by on February 15, 2021
7:15am 3 Gms...., 8:00am another gram give or take. I took.
10am popcorn ceiling won’t hold still. Posted something on Facebook that I deleted and yet another that still remains. Deleted post had people calling me, not what was intended and Facebook definitely is not the place for deep introspections while the ceiling and walls do their own thing beside staying still as is their custom.
I see it’s 2:15pm and all’s pretty well back to baseline.
I wrote about an iceberg, that still remains on Facebook. How it’s like the mind, built up.., conceived through the elements. Being part of the whole, cleaving off of the mass and becoming for a short while an individual within the primordial soup with that which is seen above and experienced above by all that it encounters but also with those things specific to itself hidden in darkness below the waves.
A time for all things.
Existence within eternity for a whisp of time, like a spark from a fire or smoke. Like an iceberg which is here today and gone tomorrow back to the elements of all creation....
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I also see the gift, the potential of healing with this that God has given us. Civilization isnt so civil anymore and the diseases of mind, body and soul are a product of our disconnect from the Earth, one another and our Creator. We’ve become unplugged. Our minds and hearts are filled with useles... View More
Like February 15, 2021