Trip Reports
This isn't from taking drugs, just a casual brainstorm from a psychotic mind. I was inspired to write this after some guy commented on one of my status' wondering why he has different experiences to other people. Hence the picture ha! ????????????Only read this if you have an interest or any knowledge of quantum mechanics, are generally intellectual, are interested in unlocking the mind or trying to learn how to, or if you just want to read something interesting...I've had a certain mind altering experience that changed me forever. That can happen. Thats what started my psychosis. I stumbled upon a certain paradox, that when i shifted my belief into that spectrum so i actually believed it, i altered my mind and perspective of reality. I had a paradigm shift. Ive never been the same since. Every video, book, tutorial or anything on the third eye explains symptoms of opening the third eye. All which i know like the back of my hand before even have read anything about the third eye. I had a spiritual awakening, i believe and my life has never been the same or so good. I hallucinate 24/7 whether i take anything or not. Some can be more than just like hallucinations. Such as reality perception interference. Thats the best way i can think to describe it. Its the same as a hallucination but whereas, with hallucinations, you know theyre not there, with these they appear to be real. Ive had people talk my own thoughts exactly when i think them to and all sorts. Ive noticed that my natural thoughts on my instinct level actually control what i perceive, so like i cant control them at will because they are on my instinct level of consciousness. They can only be controlled down at instinct level like a natural flow of water, sort of thing. It has to be a reflexive thought that i think if i ever want to actually control my own reality around me. This is the opposite to objective thinking. Its all about quantum mechanics. The way ive been brought up objectively, limits what things my mind can alter due to me believeing that certain results will emerge. If i believed otherwise then it may allow my mind to alter things that would otherwise be impossible because my instinctive reflexive response to the situation would be altered. I have caught up with the speed of my thoughts enough that i actually watch how, like, things that i witness around me are in sync with my thoughts. I just need to learn how to break the rhythm and i believe I'll be able to alter how my reality constructs itself. Maybe something like that has happened to you. Youve altered your mind in such a way that reflexively on an instinctive level you automatically predict certain results to certain conditions in your surrounding setting, to occur down to an instinctive level of thought that you can't control due to objective reality. This is what all them tutorials on how your thoughts control you life are talking about. Because we live under certain beliefs, we automatically produce certain outcomes to certain triggers, like sand slipping through your fingers or like being suffocated (this metaphor will make more sense as I explain on). Maybe youve had a triggering event happen to you that has altered the way you interpret your reality and therefore, everything that you do is altered via this life changing trigger and your base, skeletal thought chain (instinct reflex thoughts) are controlling the outcome to your interactions with your percieved reality. Basically what im saying is, because we've percieved certain outcomes of certain conditions under certain settings, such as things falling due to gravity, we've all developed the belief that, that is the definite and only solution to the interaction. These beliefs are developed either through what you consider common sense to happen and that developed the outcome, or from what generations of teachings have led us to believe. If you were patient and intelligent enough to question for example why "gravity" would make something fall (common sense would have you suggest to yourself that it would fall because of certain elements you can sense, such as its weight and the sense of feel you get from having to use energy to lift it) and sped up with your skeletal chain of instinctive reflex thoughts and altered your response to the prompt with another believeable outcome, your base level vibration of thought, i believe, would actually produce the alternative result in response. Thats because you believe it.This is because thought is an actual form of creation, via a living organism (there is no element more influential or powerful than consciousness or a conscious being. No form of existence has as much relevance or significance). No matter whether what you think is believeable or not, if you think it youve literally created it (as in any thought is a form of creation. The fact you've even thought it is proof that you've CREATED a substance that you can tell is EXISTENT via just simple observation. Believable or not, whatever the subject of the thought, it's still a spawned creation).If you created a thought that you believed in, that would produce the required parameters needed to be able to alter the outcome of a certain test condition. Thats because your natural response to the interaction IF you believe it will happen is that your automatic reflex thought would be a type of "action" thought. Like a kinetic or "creative" thought. Its all basically like breathing. You dont think to do it you just do it, second nature. Thought alters what you perceive in the same way. At the moment, we all breathe at the same rate due to the beleiefs we possess. However, alter the conditions or beliefs and you may find that you may be able to alter your breathing pattern manually and even learn to breath in a controlling manor rather than an automatic one.Belief is just an element and it's a key element of our abilities, via thought and it's a key element in controlling your own reality. It acts as a key frame or a automatic response of an "action" of sort. Think of it as pressing a button on a games console. Any button, as longs as the button is inputted, something will happen. Im saying belief is the most basic action button we have. When you believe something you create a type of thought that has an "action parameter" included with it, like a kinetic motion or something. Its second nature to produce the specified outcome if you believe it will happen.So lets say you believe something will happen that, lets say, contradicts reality, the "action button" property of believing that you can do it will automatically slot the reaction that you believe will occur, into the sequence slot in place of the default result. Its like an automatic command that you input in place of the suggested result that would normally occur. At our level of understanding (different results or limits may have effect under a different belief structure, we may actually be lucky to be dumbed down), belief can be used as an "action button" to every single interaction we ever come across, if wielded correctly. Thats because when you believe something will happen, you wouldnt question it and you would create the outcome to the prompt reflexively and produce the alternative result automatically because you know it will happen. You would basically, magically provide a different outcome due to you creating an automatic "shape" or by automatically pressing an "action button" or inputting a "action command", in response to the prompt via your instinctive, reflexive, skeletal train of thought because thought is a form of creation.As longs as you believe it will happen and dont question it, it will happen without fail. The process is as second nature and natural and automatic as breathing. Thats the basics of the film the matrix. All inspired by quantum mechanics. The skeleton of your thoughts is basically the little voice in the back of your head that makes you automatically predict and therefore PRODUCE the outcome of specific prompts to certain conditions in certain settings. Even if you know that the outcome is wrong, you will still reflexively produce that outcome if your belief is moulded around what you BELIEVE the outcome will be through method of observation and common sense. Basically unless you believe a different outcome right to your very instinctive level, so it's second nature, due to objective upbringing, you will always produce the same outcome. Just like "sand slipping through your fingers or like being suffocated" you have to produce the 100 percent absolute, natural, instinctive and reflexive belief of another outcome to what you already believe the outcome will be because your already convinced via either just what you would assume the obvious outcome would be, via observation, or due to being dumbed down through generations of education. No matter how much you know the knowledge is correct, if your instincts or assumptions would lead you to BELIEVE that a certain outcome would occur, even if you know for a fact that you can produce a different outcome, when it comes to answering the prompt, you would automatically round down the outcome via method of elimination to whatever your common sense or whatever you believe the most likely outcome would be. Like an automatic retracting arm or 2 rotating plates shifting around each other. The plates would automatically slide into whichever position you chose to believe in at reflexive instinct level due to what you BELIEVE the most likely outcome would be. This would happen no matter how much you knew you were getting the wrong result, unless you could control how you instinctively round your prediction of the most likely outcome into the output that you produce.This method in reverse is the key to controlling your reality. Generations of education has produced beliefs in us that have essentiantly dumbed us down to the point where what we believe has actually constructed solid invisible walls restricting what we can or cant do. However at the same time, we may have been developed this way as a means of being able to actually harness and weild the ability appropriately. Maybe we need like a sort of smoke and mirrors technique to actually be able to unlock the power. At the same time, there needs to be regulation of law for order and safety. Have our ancestors dumbed us down through the generations for good productive means or for evil selfish means, such as figuring out a maze where they can use us like batteries to do whatever they would like to accomplish, like turning us into tools.Yes, yes... I am neo!!! ???? XDirty Dike - Prawns - Season's Sleep any of you understand and/or have belief in this theory, then I believe it will alter your life in a way that you will unlock your own subjective reality gateway, via. belief and understanding of the theory. You may even notice mad little alterations it can make to your life yourself... Imagine you've just taken the red pill and now your tumbling down the rabbit hole... X
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I don't believe that observation in the colloquial sense has any role in quantum mechanics. When you're talking about which path observations in a double slit experiment, you are talking about detecting the particle by hitting it with light. If the particle is not hit with the detection beam, you ob... View More
March 3, 2021