by on January 12, 2021

I found myself somewhere that looked to me like the hyperspace

It looked like a highway between consciousness and subconsciousness

A lost enlightened floating highway that goes in a vast dark space

You know when people want to astral travel and they imagine themselves inside of a Merkaba or something (a star in 3D)

Well My Merkaba was so simple, just a square with 4 demi ligns on the sides

Which later became a weapon in 3D that I shaped to be the most powerful possible

At first the whole thing I was seeing myself inside this happy place was so abstract and in 2d which gave me so much peace

I was inside the square like a womb very protective

Then my feeling translated into seeing a color and it was blue

Started feeling it take over me like a feel-good magnetic field of blueness

Then I switched places ..I was up in space looking at myself in that highway inside the blue expanding square

I could both feel like a super consciousness and a fragile mortal creature

I was omnipresent and there was no separation anywhere between what existed in there including my consciousness

And the blueness felt more and more like home and here I was watching the blue planet earth from space

Feeling so much love and light towards it

Then finally I saw somewhere near my house (a real place) a very vast green field and planned to make a photoshoot there

And finally I took some time to design my Merkaba which is a sort of weapon that also allows me to travel and it had to be sharp enough to protect me

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