by on December 27, 2020
Greetings. I had not tripped in several years. My only recent experience with psychedelics was a wild batch I found a few months ago that weren't very strong. They made me high for a few hours and had only very mild visuals. That got me back into psychedelics and I managed to get some GTs recently. Back when I used to do them regularly, nobody knew about lemon tek or taking an maoi. I always got a heavy body load and bad flu-like hangover. I would also take amounts that may have been a bit much at times. I decided to step back into it slowly and try different techniques as I went to find out how to maximize my trip and minimize body load. Delta 8 is pretty much constant throughout all three days.
The first day was Christmas Eve. I was anticipating having to wait a few more days but things came around a little early. I did around 11-12 grams wet, lemon tek into passionflower tea. That night was a lot of fun. The come up was fast but nausea-free. I stayed up helping my wife wrap presents and enjoying some cookies. The texture of chocolate chip cookies while tripping was amazing. Crunchy outside and soft inside. Visuals were mild, I felt incredibly clear-headed and in control of my actions and the mood was great. The sight and sound of my wife slicing paper was super-intense and I was having fun watching the patterns wiggle. No spiritual breakthrough but I felt how important it was to listen and think, even when you're upset and how important it is to be compassionate with people. By the time I went to bed I was coming down and had closed eye visuals for the few minutes before I fell asleep.
The second day was Christmas. I took about 8 grams wet and 1.5 grams dried, lemon tek. Similar feelings and visuals, a bit more intense. It was warm and we went to the nature preserve and spent a few hours walking around watching wildlife and then the sunset. That sunset was fucking amazing. Everything was golden and seemed connected.
The third day, yesterday, I dosed twice and took about 8 grams of green vein kratom. At about 3pm. I lemon tekked about 15 grams wet and strained the solids out to see how it changed things. Walked the dogs, watched the sunset and being a little underwhelmed, ate the solids. Things really took off at that point, very high and videos made no sense to me. I spent most of this trip alone and not having to interact with people seemed to let me slip deeper into the trip but I still had not really found the awakening that I've been hoping for. Considering how much shrooming I had been doing without any side effects I decided I would dose again once I started coming down. I did 15 grams wet and two grams dry in lemon for half an hour and washed it down with orange juice. I felt like I had just woken up from a dream, that very confused state where you aren't sure whats real and not. It seemed every time I closed my eyes I would blast through several dreams and when I opened my eyes again I woke up and realized I was just tripping and feel stone-cold sober until I slipped back into the trip. I ended up taking a hot shower and this is where shit got really interesting. First, it felt fucking incredible. I kept going on my mini trips and was surprised every time I came back and I was in a brightly-lit spotless bathroom and not out in the woods or in a early 90s skate park. Or high school, or on an airplane or any of the other 200 realities I was experiencing. Then something happened that seemed utterly real and intrigued me even further to try increased doses. I saw a bunch of strangely colored random lines. Colors I had not seen before or haven't been able to see. I realized the lines were outlines of trees and I was moving through this black forest. Everything was pitch-black except for the outlines of objects which was thick white lines that themselves had soft sky-blue edges. I heard leaves crushing nearby and saw an enormous elk-like creature. It was a massive male with an enormous rack that must have had 40+ points. He was also jet black with white outlines but his white lines were shimmering gold and white and the edges of his lines were sky-blue as well as slightly green. He looked at me for just a second. I sensed extremely high intellect as well as spiritual and physical prowress in this beings white hot glowing eyes. He seemed to be asking me "ready? you coming or not?" then leapt away when I hesitated to respond. I felt like he had something to show me when I'm ready. I snapped back out of it and went to bed with my wife. Sex on mushrooms is a lot of fun but pretty challenging at the same time. I kept slipping off in my mind to other places of pure physical sensation that was intensely pleasurable but at the same time, I couldn't finish and gave up after exhausting the last of my energy. I think I'll take a day off before I start microdosing but I can't wait to have an opportunity to take a bigger dose and being alone for a strong trip. I'm really amazed by the lack of side effects so far.
On second thought, I do have the caps sitting on that print I started yesterday...
Posted in: Psilocybin, Cannabis, Other