by on May 12, 2019

I grabbed a couple of small chunks of crystal and dropped them into the pipe. The match flared to life, the liquid vaporized and I inhaled, held it in, exhaled, then inhaled again. When I pulled down the eye shades I exhaled. The room went deep and the world went slow.

Off in the distance, there was something strange and someplace familiar. The long smooth skin of something like a snake slid along from the the side of my vision. It was dark purple, traced with blue scales touched with small red details and it flowed inward into the depths.

"Why did you come here?"

 "I want to see the pattern which connects. I wanted to see it all and make a map of all the worlds."

I hear several voices speaking in layered melodies.

"It cannot be done."

" Even we cannot grasp it all. 

"It is beyond your comprehension."

"Your mind cannot hold it all."

"I want to see it all. To map it all." I insist.

"It cannot be done."

"It is beyond your comprehension."

"Your mind cannot hold it all."

"Maybe it can be done."


I relaxed and opened my mind. A flood of information poured in. I looked up into a multilayered torrent of millions of voices, colors, layers and dimensions. It was the size of galaxy and it felt as though I was watching the flow of an immense river, a vast immeasurable melody of billions of  instruments and voices all playing at once. 

Slowly, I sank back into my self and the world.

Posted in: DMT